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    Experienced international banker and corporate trainer with 25 years of diversified experience in the field of banking & risk management

    Involved in several international advisory, consulting and training assignments to deliver risk management transformation across the Middle East and Australian banking & financial services sector.

    An exceptional communicator with a track record in enhancing organizational risk management maturity through best practice tools, methods, learnings supported by global case studies on risk management failures.

    Work engagements involve but not limited to risk management assignments with leading Australian & Middle East banking institutions including the Commonwealth Bank, Westpac Bank, Al Rajhi Bank, Riyadh Bank and Banque Saudi Fransi and combined with several years of risk management consulting and training engagements at client sites across SIngapore, Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Muscat & Australia



    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions is a boutique international specialist risk management training organization catering to the training requirements for corporate and institutional clients in the field of risk management. All training programs are tailored and designed by sourcing information and knowledge from global best practices in risk management. Programs being delivered by KYR Training & Learning solutions include two, three, four and five day programs that are delivered either as onsite or via remote learning. Programs on various risk management topics involving Operational Risk, Fraud Risk & Conduct Risk have been successfully delivered by KYR Training & Learning Solutions to international banking and financial services clients onsite in Dubai, SIngapore, Australia and Muscat with further international trainings planned for delivery internationally across multiple locations.



    Conduct risk has become a top priority for boards of financial institutions globally. But what is conduct risk? Essentially, it refers to how firms and their staff conduct themselves – including how customers are treated, how staff are remunerated and how conflicts of interest are addressed. Losses associated with or attributable to conduct risk around the world have far exceeded credit risk and market risk losses over the past few years.

    With an increased focus on managing business conduct by regulators in many jurisdictions, financial firms are closely scrutinizing what conduct risk means in practice to them. As a result, firms need to understand how business conduct impacts on their business, their employees, their customers and the market in which they operate



    You will look at the key terminology and develop skills that will help you recognise good and poor conduct. You will explore key regulatory developments that affect your firm and your stakeholders and will gain an understanding of how to react.

    You will also gain a valuable insight into how a regulatory conduct framework works in practice



    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions

    & Grow your Business

    Learn how KYR Consulting can enhance your organization’s controls, financial performance, and productivity. Contact us today to find out more!