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    Examining the Incentives of ERM, Understanding Risk and Controls, Knowledge on the Process and Framework of ERM, Risk Assessment and Monitoring

    Enterprise risk management (ERM) is the process of planning, organising, leading, and controlling the activities of an organisation in order to minimise the effects of risk on an organisation’s capital and earnings. Enterprise risk management includes financial, strategic and operational risks, in addition to risks associated with accidental losses. The fundamental elements of ERM are the assessment of significant risks and the implementation of suitable risk responses. In today’s world of evolving technologies and businesses, companies are taking on increasing levels of risk.

    This initiative has increased companies’ needs to employ appropriate Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) tactics in order to monitor and manage risk at the proper levels. 

    In a world of do more at a faster pace, it is important for companies to manage their activities in a manner that can allow them to align risk strategies with overall risk management and internal control activities. Inability to do this may put the company at risk for not being able to meet strategic objectives.

    ERM is an initiative important to all aspects for an organisation seeking to have in place an integrated and effective risk management drive internal processes. Some of the known benefits of ERM are increased competitive advantage, increased likelihood of achieving strategic objectives and ability to meet increased stakeholder expectations, improved governance and increased likelihood of meeting regulatory and compliance expectations.



    • 08 : 30 - Registration

    • 09 : 00 - Morning session begins

    • 10 : 40 - 11 : 00 - Refreshments & Net working Break

    • 12 : 45 - Luncheon

    • 14 : 00 - Afternoon Session begins

    • 17 : 00 - Courseends.



    By the end of this course, delegates will be able to:
    • To IDENTIFY what is ERM in the context ofthe COSOERM In tegrated Risk Management Frame work

    • TO COMPREHEND the overview of ISO 31000 Framework

    • To be able to SELECT the appropriate ERM software

    • To know the FUNDAMENTALS of Risk Management capability and Maturity Model Illustration.

    • To EXAMINE ERM Risk Management Tools & Techniques (Brainstorming, KRIS, RCSA, SWOT & Scenario Analysis)

    • To DISTINGUISH risk appetite, tolerances and risk capacity concept



    By attending this ERM Masterclass, delegates will gain the following core benefits:
    • Greater awareness about the risks facing the organisation and the ability to respond effectively

    • Enhanced confidence about the achievement. of strategic objectives

    • Improved compliance with legal, regulatory and reporting requirements

    • Increased efficiency and effectiveness of operations

    Insights from this ERM course will be very useful for the attendees. There will be a session on the concepts of Enterprise Risk Management, where attendees are able to apply the concept into their organisation including uses of ERM in organisations, the lifecycle of ERM, the overview if ISO 31000 framework. Relevant case studies and group discussion for attendees to understand the framework of the topic and get in-depth knowledge too regarding the topic are also included.


    This course will be suitable for personnel with basic understanding on Risk Management, This training is also designed for:
    • Senior managers

    • Risk Management Professionals

    • Quality Assurance Executives

    • Directors

    • Executives

    • Financial Controllers

    • Procurement & Sourcing Managers

    • Finance Personnel

    • Strategic Planners

    • Operations and Logistics Executives

    • Audit & Compliance Professionals



    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions
    Know Your Risk (KYR) Training & Learning Solutions

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    Learn how KYR Consulting can enhance your organization’s controls, financial performance, and productivity. Contact us today to find out more!